
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Guiding line

Hi all. It's the Compass here. Guess left early this morning, I think around four? I was asleep at the time. Probably to the woods again. He didn't tell anyone where he was going, but he sent a group email to the entire office with his ninth...inquiry.

This one, for religion: The worshiped name of a sandy Businessman?

...You probably get three chances, huh?

To direct, to instruct, to lead, to guide: the Compass.

P.S. Whatever you guys agree on, DON'T ask him about his childhood from years 0-13. Not until things have a brighter outlook.


  1. Uh...let's, not the Bone Breaker. Sorry.

    -the Compass

  2. Oop. Guess is back. He doesn't look so good.

  3. Uh...also wrong. Sorry.

    OK, I'm not going to let him on because he's bleeding from everywhere...

    -the Compass

  4. Yeah, that's it. Good job, guys.

    -the Compass

  5. Agh, my head...It wasn't anything serious. I was mauled by a wolverine. I think it was a wolverine, anyway. Nothing Businessman-related, anyway...thank you, Compass.

  6. Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: "Guess". True name shall remain hidden. Status: Semi-stable. Abilities: Moderate. Emotional status: Moderate. Threat level: High. Intelligence level: High. Potential: High. Danger: Moderate.

    Insufficient data to continue analysis.

  7. OK...yes, we've been experimenting with AI, but no, this is not related to us. Let's see. Thanks for keeping my name a secret...I guess. I wonder how you know it?

  8. Hey Guess, you're still intact and alright, right?
